Where is everyone?

Been logged on now and then and no signs of life for a long time . Whats going on here??


I’ve been busy with life atm. Still browsing, but busy. Jobs at home and at work are taking my time even during what is meant to be my break.

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Just been uber busy past month… :slight_smile:

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No worries, funny enough I might actually find myself more time when I go back to work properly. That way I will have breaks lol

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I’m so absorbed in other things haven’t been posting, but not forgotten.


I think this may be the same for most. Good to hear from you though Chris. I hope Tero is ok, he’s been quiet recently too.

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If we were just into 5 dollar pointers, we would have a lot more interest here and activity. Seems the more you get into the real technology of lasers, the less users.

It’s the same with anything that becomes specialised. The problem is, quite a lot of the laser users own them for their ‘coolness’ and not because they are fascinated with science and technology behind them.

I imagine so, those folk like pushing a button to see the light, but nothing techie beyond that.

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It’s a shame. It’s a rabbit hole awaiting them if they delved into it. Will also make them naturally more responsible too.

Yes, the world of lasers is deep, you can spend a lifetime exploring the technology as we progress forward.